Sticky Feature & Scrolling

Hello! I am currently building out a website using a template on Wix Studio. When editing, the services section has the “sticky” feature on the cells so that they have the effect of scrolling past each other. The issue is, they are scrolling overtop of the last section and then the footer shows. I have attached a video to show what I am referring to. The section is visible on the editing page but on the preview, it disappears behind the above sticky section. Please help, I’ve tried everything I know (I’ve made the last section before the footer “sticky” and “default” but neither works to solve the issue when previewing.

Its hard to tell what is causing the issue without looking into all the settings. If you want add me as a contributor and I’ll have a look at it for you.

You may have already figured it out, but it looks like maybe it could be a layer arrangement issue.

The “tailored experience” section needs to be moved to the front or forward so that it appears in front of the “general consulting” section layer instead of behind it.

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