Submit Button not working on published site

Hi, I created a form, and in preview mode everything seems to work. I can add info, submit - everything ok.
When i’m trying to sybmit from my live site, the “submit” button doesn’t respond. Everything is connected to where it should…and yet…nothing is happening.
Any solution? Ideas?

Hi! First guess is permissions. Did you permit to wrtie to the collection to anonymus users?
If it’s possible, please share your site here, i can check

ok !! Thank you !! That worked out now.

Hmmm. I do manage to send it now with the "submit " button, but the data doesn’t appear in the database.
my site:

New problem: I do manage to add new inputs to the database BUT: when i go to where the data is displayed, when there’s more than one entry to the same category, it’ll only show the data from the last form, and not everything else.
What am i still missing ??
and … when hitting the “back” arrow, to return to the menu (the secondary, not the main menu of the category)- it’ll send me back to the main menu with all categories…

How do i change the permissions of button

without content manager my button is not working on published site