All my sites 13 of them automatically go to mobile view and increase the text size by 30%!
Your website indicates that all your wix’s sites on tablets will go to desktop view which it did in the past but not today.
“Wix sites are compatible for viewing on iPads and tablets. All tablet devices, regardless of operating system, display the desktop version of your site.”
If it’s just the text, set a min and max font size to set a range, you can do it in website typography as well as individual font settings. If its for specific device(like tablet) create a breakpoint of device size and set the font size for that manually.
I see now, thanks for the video. It would be much easier to fix in the Wix Studio. Wix Editor has some limitations in this aspect. There are a few things you can try though.
Make sure that all elements are within the grid lines. It will make sure your elements are visible on all devices.
From the Settings, Try using the accessibility wizard and see it catches something.
Trun off the mobile-friendly option and see if it fIxes the tablet issue. It may give issue on mobile but if the text size is big, if can work.
If you have a custom code (like an embed with frame size or velo), try disabling it.
Open another Wix Editor template that works well on tablet and matches your current design. Then simply copy the sections from it and paste it in a new page to redesign the page quickly.
Upgrade to Wix Studio, it has tablet editor as well.
I had this also with the Wix Editor, It was even doing odd stuff on iPad, after a week of pulling my hair out, trying to fix something that previously was not broken, the iPad issue just resolved itself. But I suspect the Android Tablets are still the same.
I personally now think there is a server side issue going on.
Here’s the issue I’m 65 and I don’t want to convert my sites into studio. With three more years left and to hand off these websites to the owners with these kind of issues. I pay good money to host my sites with Wix’s. They tell me that on tablets regardless should view as a desktop version.
“Wix sites are compatible for viewing on iPads and tablets. All tablet devices, regardless of operating system, display the desktop version of your site”. It used to work and I believe they can fix it ??
Well I found the get around to calling support very knowledgeable guy but in the end day you’re S* out of luck (SOL)** my words. The only solution is custom coding and I have no clue how to code something like this. For all tablets and browsers to show up in desktop view. Who can do this, and have they done it? Anyone??
I came here looking for a solution to this problem as well. stinks to be S* out of luck Midgroup. Im with you on this. my site looks super clunky on the iPad.
I think this whole thing is to make us pay for Wix Studio. That, and the no support, no nothing… My site was not ready anyways so my solution was to cancel my subscription and make my site at squarespace.