and it is not user-friendly at all also.
After countless hours on the mobile view, I see that remaking it should be your priority not a wish.
Before I could use ‘group’, ‘ungroup’ with boxes but now it is ‘attachtobox’ and there is no option to stop the process except make the frame smaller than the element that is not good when it comes to artwork purposes. If we take it out from the box the elements attached, they still act as attached to the box specially in the mobile editor.
The result on real mobiles and mobile view is very different and I had to adjust using both. There is a problem here it seems!
When you add an element on the desktop editor, it adds this element in the mobile’s one. Good, but it places it where it wants and when you hide it, or move it, some parts already there disappear. Another problem.
So, I would say it is bugged all the way, and you know it as you warn that you won’t take no responsibility for it. Throw the warning and make that thing works and make it easy to use and coherent. That will be better!!!
And I don’t even mention the code that behave 1 way in the desktop and another ( or not at all ) in the mobile.
And the hover box that becomes simple box and the landing page with a lightbox that does not even appear on mobiles ( can not use it at all if it serves nothing and stops the viewer to that page ).
An unhappy customer,
1 Like
Dear Thierry,
If you have never made a mobile site from scratch you wouldn’t appreciate how much easier it is to click and drag elements than to code it. I suggest you debug your attitude and then maybe you’ll get better at debugging your mobile code
@shantanukumar847 Hello Shan,
no; I never made a mobile site from scratch as I had never created a site before enrolling to wix nor even coded a line. And I do appreciate a lot of things with wix but the mobile editor has some problems and I did not think that reporting them was considered a bad attitude. Then, again, I am not advertising the 'how easy it is to … ) as a selling advantage over competition.
If you felt offended by the matter, please consider focusing on the real problems and, as nobody will have to react, you will gain peace of mind. And remember, critics are the way to improve things.
And to the supporting people who are so willing to back up with a like against the unbearable person who had complained after hours and hours of sterile work because one point was not explained, I would say : to change the system, one has to be against it.
Best regards,
+2, so one does expect to be able to use hover on a mobile device…
Links with hover styles on touch devices are a bit of a complication. In short, they don’t really exist on these devices. Creating fancy :hover styles can really add to the browser experience and help simplify your layout, but they simply will not work on a touch device. When a tablet or smartphone user taps your hover-styled link elements, the hover style shortly appears, and immediately the underlying link is followed/activated.
As you can see, the :hover will not work on mobile devices but if you still want to ensure it works the same way then just use click, not hover.
@givemeawhisky thanks for the explanation : simple and clear. But would not it be better if we knew that point before applying this hover style and, it is not a critic as per se, but a remark, one of the big problem of the mobile view is that it is 100% dependant on the laptop editor so one has to stop using 1 effect because it can not be rendered in mobile editor. And I am certain things can improve there.
Thank you ‘givemeawhisky’ for your answer and your links. I really welcome your positive answer so different from the one that tend to give a feeling of guilt to the user without accessing the problems.
Best of everything,
@tierloque My intention was never to guilt you into anything, simply to point out the flaw in your complaint. I understand it can be frustrating being new at something, but in your case you admitted to being a newbie and in the same breath you’re yelling at people who are making your life a lot easier with complaints, not productive criticism.
To be against a system, you first have to understand it. No one here is offended at you personally, but don’t expect your online rants to be exceptionally keen.
@skmedia david chan ? no yelling to anyone in my 1st post if not this mobile editor of yours and I really feel sorry that you took it personally. And again you are not the Red Cross but a commercial service so please do not play saints and, again, read my mail and think : this guy has met all this problems in the mobile editor and rather than to notice them, you just jump on a ‘newbie’ kind of excuse. All the points mentioned exist and are not new it seems.
There is a problem with your mobile editor and I am not the only one noting it so it would be helpful for your company that you look the points I have made relevant to your attention ( my post is quite old by the way ) as they need to be improved.
And to conclude, david, and as it happens now in France, the only way to get attention from the system is in manifesting and without that the same system just go on without changing so it seems that at long last I got yours.
Hope you have a very lovely day,
@tierloque Mdr ok Napoleon. Bon chance avec ta croisade. C’est pas a moi que tu peux pas comprendre le contexte. Je travaille pas pour Wix, et Wix n’est pas Macron.
@skmedia pas de problème David - et 5 etoiles pour ton engagement. Mais pourquoi alors repondre à 1 mail qui ne te concerne pas? L’esprit ‘croisade’ sûrement.
@tierloque D’abord parce que je voulais vraiment communiquer avec toi. Mais apres ton “David chan”, ca m’a sincerement fait mdr ton cynisme.
Great reply and observations Thierry. You are right.
The reason Wix is chosen, is because it is supposed to be built easily.
The tools like Serif Web Plus were a huge advantage and not much was required to be adjusted. What one designed on the wide screen was seen more or less with equal efficiency on the mobile screen. Unfortunately Serif has closed down.
WE are having the same problems. The hover boxes and effects are not carried automatically to the mobile view. If its just a minor tweaking it will still be okay but as you have noticed it is not so.
Wondering if hover boxes are removed while in mobile editor and rebuilt, will that affect the wider screen views?
Because if it does, that both screen designs will be ruined.
any suggestions are welcome.
I have an area of my site where i have a hover box reveal more info about a item next to it (a plus icon that when hovered pops up a paragraph) I wish there was an option to turn your hover box into a ‘tap’ or ‘click’ box where if someone taps it, it will then play the animation like a hover box.