So I have a payment gateway account that is not registered with WIX, I have the API Codes but do not posses the adequate technical skills to integrate them manually into my Wix store. If anyone can help, it would be a great help. Thanks in advance
Payment Gateway
What are you trying to achieve:
To Integrate the payment gateway option into my Wix Account
What have you already tried:
calling to customer care, and reaching out to local communities.
Connecting a third party payment method, which is not currently offered by Wix, can be achieved using the payment-provider SPI - wix-payments - Velo SPI Reference -
If you’re not up to developing this yourself, I’d recommend leaving a request in the Collaboration category, or hiring someone from the Wix Marketplace -
I am also getting the same error while publishing the payment SPI extension.
The documentation is really very poor and does not explain everything completely. Sometimes it is very confusing. The example of Tazapay is also incomplete and does not help. Here is the reference doc page:
I am trying to implement a new payment provider as well. It is great that Wix allows us to do that now. Amazing. However, I am also facing issues. I coded everything as I believe it should be but when I add everything to the site, nothing happens. I can’t see the new provider on the website settings and I absolutely get no logs whatsoever which could help me identifying what is going wrong.
I don’t know why, but in my case I had a bug on Wix side. After many days working with their support team, they finally fixed it and I got the SPI to work.