Tuesday Tech-Talk: Hover Boxes!

Good day everyone.

Many of you use hover boxes on your daily design routines to create amazing effects. We want to know what you currently like about the experience and what you’d like to see added down the line. Are you limited to certain actions? What would you like to see in hover box effects in the future? @idan-cohen , the Editor PM looks forward to your feedback.

Let’s discuss!


I am happy this discussion has come about. I would like to see faster Hover Boxes - the hover time is way to slow. I love the product and think it has a lot of potential. I would love to see more animation effects.

We definitely need hover boxes to be sped up.
I currently try to avoid hover boxes as the delay can be up to 5+ seconds, whereas expand/collapse & show/hide can be instant.

Thank you for your feedback!

Thanks for your feedback Heath! :+1:t4:

Agreed. More speed in the transition effects.

And a different solution for mobile sites. Either the hoverbox must work on ‘press’ or it must transition back and forth based on a number of seconds timer. Just staying in the box2 position is not an acceptable solution. I am frequently unable to use the hover box solution because of this.

Here is an application where it would have been invaluable.

Solution 1 uses custom corvid. But even my expert coder could not get it to work.(his code broke the boxes which are square, yup. no idea either) https://www.flourishconsultancy.com.au/home2

Solution 2 uses Rollover Effects App, but it is too slow and the client doesn’t want to pay a monthly fee. https://www.flourishconsultancy.com.au/new-home

Really needed hover boxes!!!

Great feedback Kate! Agree with all your points completely.

@kate-from-sydney Thanks for this feedback!
What is your hoverbox dream?
What can’t you achieve with the current elements?
What is the best mobile behaviour you can imagine for the hovebox?
Go wild with your wishes :slight_smile:

@idan-cohen Did you not see the other peoples feedback?

Agree with the above comments made. Speed definitely is an issue. Would it be possible to create different transition effects?

I would also like to have a little more control over the images - can we add a focus button on image settings so that we don’t have to resize the image in photoshop to fit on what we want the focus to be?

Also to be able to add a color overlay to an image- I don’t want to have to reduce the opacity to bring in another color- I’d rather have the option to add an overlay of my color choosing.

Ohhh yeah, different transition effects would be super cool, for example:

@roberthamilton Oh I love how the background color appears on hover and it moves towards you. Nice.

If you are not using Corvid, it would be nice if the Hoverbox behaved in a similar way to the Wix Pro Gallery on Mobile. That is, currently, the hover box can only show one state on mobile, not both. A productive feature would be on mobile, a single tap would reveal the hover state, in the same way, the Wix Pro Gallery on mobile can be set to have a single tap reveal the rollover text on the gallery thumbnail. Otherwise, it is really hard to use the Wix Hoverbox (without Corvid) at all, as mobile functionality is pretty much a requirement in today’s industry landscape.

Yeah it’s super cool, but we REALLY need the speed issues sorted. I know I keep saying it but it’s sooooo important.

@roberthamilton of course I see. The performance issue is known and we will take care of it.

@idan-cohen apologies, i didn’t mean it in a rude way. Just wanted to here some feedback from you about it. Thanks

@idan-cohen I posted this below, but will repost here as well. If you are not using Corvid, it would be nice if the Hoverbox behaved in a similar way to the Wix Pro Gallery on Mobile. That is, currently, the hover box can only show one state on mobile, not both. A productive feature would be on mobile, a single tap would reveal the hover state, in the same way, the Wix Pro Gallery on mobile can be set to have a single tap reveal the rollover text on the gallery thumbnail. Otherwise, it is really hard to use the Wix Hoverbox (without Corvid) at all, as mobile functionality is pretty much a requirement in today’s industry landscape.

They are really useful but I support Daniel suggestion for mobile, ideally mobile is now the most used devise for visits to a website.

Hover boxes for mega menu. I believe that hover boxes are a great start for a mega menu. I used them for a client that needed just one page for mega menu and works ok, I think the developer team can polish the idea netter and give the designers finally a mega menu where we can do amazing things.