Update user password with backend code

Because of my unique login flow, I have to ask users to create a password on a custom password creation page.

I’ve been trying to update the Members and Contacts backend collections with a password unsuccessfully.

Does anyone know if code like this should work? (It’s not working):

export function updateUserPassword( userId, password ){

 let userInfo = {
 "password": password

    wixUsers.updateUserFields( userId, userInfo )
    .then( () => {
        //user has been updated
        console.log("user password has been updated in WixUsers");
    .catch( (err) => {
        //there was an error
        console.log("error updating user password in WixUsers");

    wixCrm.updateContact( userId, userInfo )
    .then( () => {
        //user has been updated
        console.log("user password has been updated in WixCrm");
    .catch( (err) => {
        //there was an error
        console.log("error updating user password in WixCrm");

I’m calling updateUserPassword from the frontend. My console.log shows the password has been updated for both wixUsers and wixCRM and I get no errors.

But then, I can’t log that user in.

I don’t see any documentation for this and the closest I’ve seen in the forums is this unresolved thread:

Please help… thanks.

You can’t physically change or update a users password, that is still currently only available through the Wix forgot password window which lets the user change their own password.

As stated on that previous forum post about it you can’t do it.

You need to use wixUsers.promptForgotPassword();

Thanks, I’ll need a whisky to get over my sadness

I would also strongly echo the need for this. My mobile app hits the website through various backend APIs and I need to be able to offer the mobile user the ability to change their password without requiring them go through the Wix prompt for password flow.