Upload audio files with upload user input button

It’s a small feature but it’s very important.
I can open an audio field in the database, but the upload button in the user input let me upload only videos,docs or pics.
So I’d be very happy if the upload buttom will have the ability to upload an audio file to the database.
pleace make it happen :slight_smile:


Yes! I have just ran into this roadblock myself.

I would also want this

Indeed, this is a critical requirement for me as well

@brett-haralson Timeframe???

We don’t usually have time frames :frowning: it’s a great request though. Let me see what I can find out.

@brett-haralson Yeah…I’m not one for “piling on” but this is a showstopper for me in a couple critical projects. I’m still scrambling to figure out a solution for these two clients.

Let’s see what I can do - I’m
Checking for us.

The most i know is that they are actively working on allowing more upload file types through the user input component. Stay tuned :slight_smile:

Great news. It can’t come soon enough.

Update: I checked with the team. It’s in the works. <3

I can’t migrate our website (Houston Songwriters Association) to WIX until this feature is fixed. We must be able to upload audio files (MP3s) from a user input form. I was disappointed to learn this was not already something that could be done. I know it is “on the list” of things to be addressed but not understanding when it will addressed is putting my organization in limbo and we can’t wait long before we need to make a decision. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please implement this feature!!!

Good grief! Still waiting on what seems should be a simple add…but then again I’m not a developer.

C’mon Wix. Been waiting a long time for this.

For now would you add a stop gap by allowing users to add audio files via the live database!?

Is there any progress on this issue? I really need to know if you are going to fix this or just keep putting it off by telling everyone “you are working on it”? I need some help!!!


Not sure if this will work, but it’s worth a try…


  • Create an audio upload button in an iframe.

  • Add a url field to the database.

On the upload page:

  • Pass the file to the backend.

  • Upload to the media manager with mediaManagerBackend.

  • Get the generated music.wixstatic url. (or audio.wixstatic, whatever it is)

  • Set the url field value to be the static.wixstatic url.

  • Set the audioPlayer element src to be the url field.

I do the same thing, but with an external server that host the uploaded audio file and return me the url. It work!
Sorry for my bad English.

Can you please share your code so that other people can implement similar.