Upload Doc

Is there a possibility of using SendGrid to send a file uploaded to the email?

Follow the code on the page.

import {
} from ‘backend / email’;

$ w.onReady (function () {
$ w (“# dataset1”). onAfterSave (sendFormData);

function sendFormData () {
const subject = New Curriculum Cadastro from $ {w (" # inputNome "). value};
const body =
Name: $ {$ w (" #inputNameName "). Value} \ rPhone or Cell: $ {$ $ ("# inputTel"). value} \ rEmail: $ {$ w ("#inputEmail"). value} \ rCPF: $ {$ w ("# inputCPF"). value} \ rGeneral: $ {$ w ("# radioGroupGenero"). value} \ rData Birth: $ {$ $ ("inputDataNation"). value} \ Actuation Area: $ {$ w ("dropdownAreaDeAction"). value} \ rGeneral: $ {$ w ("#groupExperience"). value} \ rDocument: $ {$ $ ("# uploadCurriculo"). value} ;
sendEmail (subject, body) .then (response => console.log (response)); }

Hi Neveshug,
You should contact sendGrid support for that.
I would be nice if you can share here their response.