I just wanted to share this recent update to the upload field button used to upload multiple files at the same to post them in a database, until the Corvid team bring a real upload field for more than 1 item.
// gallery upload
export async function repeaterUploadBtn_change(event) {
let imageToGallery = {};
let file = $w('#galleryUploadBtn').value;
if(file.length > 0){
const response = await $w('#galleryUploadBtn').startUpload($w('#galleryUploadBtn').buttonLabel = 'Uploading ...');
$w('#galleryUploadBtn').buttonLabel = 'Add picture';
imageToGallery.src = response.url;
imageToGallery.type = 'image';
console.log('gallery', galleryPictures);
imageToGallery = {};
function galleryDisplayer(){
$w('#innGallery').items = galleryPictures;