URGENT Business Phone Number - AUSTRALIA +61 and other countries

Currently, WIX does not offer WIX Australia users to buy Australia +61 Phone numbers. This is restricting WIX users trade and from doing business.

2020 US/Canada
2021 UK
2024 ?

It’s been 4+ years since WIX have been informing Australian users that it is coming. Please hurry, we love WIX and don’t want to have to leave.


What are you trying to achieve:
Allowing all WIX users, website users, CRM users to be able to buy an Australian +61 phone number so that it can continue to drive more business through WIX website and platforms. Unless we are able to, it restricts our trade. We want the same functionalities as US, Canada and UK.

What have you already tried:
Yes, WIX is still gathering votes but has been doing so for 4+ years. Its a critical function, not an essential function, for online, software and websites.

Additional information:
WIX have informed us that it is in progress, but we ask it be expedited so WIX Australia users can keep on growing and using WIX, and not leave WIX.

You could get a professional phone number from any provider, and it is encouraged.

Once you purchase a phone number from Wix it can never be transferred or ported out. It stays locked inside of Wix and that website account forever.

If you look up virtual phone providers, you will find they offer more if not better features for lower prices.

Hi there, we already own +61 1300 — — Australian wide phone number from 3rd party but don’t even be able to appear to port the number +61 1300 — — into WIX unfortunately. Any thoughtS?