Urgent - Published the form without creating a Submissions table

I am writing to request urgent assistance regarding a form I created using Wix to collect registrations on my website. Unfortunately, I published the form without creating a Submissions table. Despite this oversight, several individuals have already submitted their registrations through the form.

As soon as I realized this issue, I immediately returned to the form editing page and added a Submissions table. However, I still do not see any data automatically populated into the new Submissions table.

Could you please guide me on where I can find the submissions that have already been made? This matter is quite urgent as we need to access these submissions as soon as possible.

Thank you very much for your prompt attention to this issue.

Wix Editor

What are you trying to achieve:
Find the submissions that have already been made

What have you already tried:
I returned to the form editing page and added a Submissions table