User input works fine in Editor; Error occurs in Live version

I’m not able to figure this one out.

I’ve been able to make 2 successful entries into my database in the Editor preview mode. However, once I publish and try to do the same via the live site, I get the error message.

I’ve synced sandbox to live, published, retried, same thing… error.

HELP! :sob:

You stated that you “get the error message”, however you don’t state what error message you get. You need to supply more information in order for us to be able to assist.

One thing you might want to check is the permissions of the database collection .

That is exactly my issue. The error messages doesnt say anything about what the error is… just that there is an error.

I checked the settings and changed it to site user for the collection. Still happens

Just disconnected the database, reconnected it and reconnected each field individually. Same thing is happening.

Works in editor mode perfectly.
Does not work on the live site.

Like Yisrael has mentioned in his reply back to you, have you checked your modes and permissions…
One thing you might want to check is the permissions of the database collection .

Make sure that you read through the page that he has linked to and this one below to understand what it means by permissions.

See here for more info…

Have you setup your dataset as form submission or members only content or custom options etc?

If you have used custom options have you got them all set as Admin and not some set to Anyone?

If you have done the above, then note that in preview mode you are logged in as Admin, so it will work for you, whereas, if you try it on the live site as a public user it won’t as you are not Admin then.

Finally, please note that this Corvid Forum deals with all code related issues, so if you have used code for your page then please add it in a code block on your post.

If you are having issues that are not code related and simply involve the use of elements and their functions provided through the Wix Editor itself, then you would be better suited going through Wix Support.

Yes. I mentioned above that I have the permissions set to “Site User” so that anyone can submit as well as view the collection.