Vertical Menu Displaying Open by Default how to correct this

Vertical Menu Displaying Open by Default how to correct this

Vertical Menu

I wan the Vertical Menu to display closed by default and when I click on it to display/open. How do I do this.

This is the page where I have created a Vertical Menu under CURATED HOTELS ACHIVE, but as you can see when you open the page, the Vertical Menu is already fully open.

THANK YOU in advance

It is doable, but by CODE ONLY.

Your steps would be.

  1. Grabbing all items from the menu and saving them inside a VARIABLE.
  2. Reducing the current MENU to only the main starting item.
  3. Adding an on MoseIn-Trigger-Functionality to start a function.
  4. Generating the function which would → RECONSTRUCT / MANIPULATE ← the menu-items.
  5. Pushing back the new generated menu back to the MENU.
  6. Doing the same for → MOUSE-OUT-EVENT.