Video not working on mobile site

Out of nowhere today, my webiste stopped showing any videos that didn’t have elements over them (text, buttons, etc.) but works fine on my desktop site and shows it’s there in mobile editor. This is huge problem since I have several video strips on each page of my site. I had contacted Wix yesterday about another issue on mobile, the chat icon in the quick action bar doesn’t show on any with white backgrounds. I got an email early this morning saying the issue was escalated and being investigated and within an hour, my videos stopped showing. I can’t believe I’m the first to have the problem with the quick action bar since it did the exact same thing on all 3 of my wix websites right when they updated the chat design a few weeks ago

… Nonetheless, I would hope Wix Support doesn’t just go in willynilly on my live site but it seems like every single time I contact them, another issue pops up and they don’t even solve why I contacted them so I avoid it like the plague. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I am far more concerned about the videos just showing blank white space and mentioned the quick action bar for context but I have attached screenshots of before and after the chat design updates a few weeks back.

Out of nowhere today, my webiste stopped showing any videos that didn’t have elements over them (text, buttons, etc.) but works fine on my desktop site and shows it’s there in mobile editor. This is huge problem since I have several video strips on each page of my site. I had contacted Wix yesterday about another issue on mobile, the chat icon in the quick action bar doesn’t show on any with white backgrounds. I got an email early this morning saying the issue was escalated and being investigated and within an hour, my videos stopped showing. I can’t believe I’m the first to have the problem with the quick action bar since it did the exact same thing on all 3 of my wix websites right when they updated the chat design a few weeks ago…

Nonetheless, I would hope Wix Support doesn’t just go in willynilly on my live site but it seems like every single time I contact them, another issue pops up and they don’t even solve why I contacted them so I avoid it like the plague. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I am far more concerned about the videos just showing blank white space and mentioned the quick action bar for context but I have attached screenshots of before and after the chat design updates a few weeks back…

Any news on this issue? I have the same problem