WebView upload photo issues and Wix Forum

This may have already been asked, but if it was it was lost to me in the sea of people asking how to fix white borders lol

My question is, how do I get upload photos to work in Wix Forum in webview? The mobile versions of the sites work perfect on a normal browser, but not in my webview I created in android studio. It has all necessary permissions but when I push the upload photo or camera buttons they become highlighted but nothing happens.

This is my first android project so I may be making a real n00b mistake here, I’ve just been researching the issue for days with no luck.

First issue, idk if it has to do with the main issue, but when you open the app it asks for read and write storage permissions. You have to reopen the app before it will ask for camera permissions, but accepting both permissions does not change the fact that nothing happens in the forum when I try to upload photos by either method.

I posted all the code here if anyone wants to take a look. I’m asking the question everywhere but yet to get an answer https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53244115/webview-upload-photo-to-wix-forum-issue

Can you please add a screenshot of the issue?
I’m not sure that I fully understand what you were referring.


It’s difficult to capture in a screen shot so here is a quick video where I recorded of myself trying to make a post to the forum and trying to upload a photo to my post. As you can see when I click gallery or camera, nothing happens at all. Also I have tried just pushing the button once and waiting a full 60 seconds just in case it was taking a min to load and still nothing.

Hi ryan, Did you find a solution regarding forum upload?

i have the same problem