What the difference between wix and studio and why use one vs the other

I recently did the wix studio crash course and I liked the editor, but I’m a newbie to wix, just last week I bought a 2yr plan and started building my site, which almost done. then I did the crash course and noticed there was a lot of features in the wix studio editor that’s not in the one I use now…but im so confused why there’s both and why one would have different features than the other. I’ve read that I can switch, but something about my current site not migrating and having to rebuild it? all this sounds incredibly confusing and I can’t for the life of me figure out why 1 company would make things so confusing by offering pretty much the same product twice.

would I need a different plan?
is it true that if I switch to studio I’d have to full rebuild my site?
why use studio over whatever I’m using on wix now? is there more feature than just the ones in the editor like stack?
if I switch to studio, does my plan work for both? or will it cost more?

from what I’ve read, studio seems to be for “enterprise” companies or agencies with multiple sites, but it’s stupid that it has an easier to use editor than the other. when I signed up I didn’t even know studio was a thing, which is probably a good thing because I would’ve been so confused I probably wouldn’t have signed up in the first place.

if anyone can shed some light on the mystical “studio” and why it exists or if I should/could use it, it would be greatly appreciated.

Hi, Road_Dog_Supply_Co !!

Don’t worry about the fact that Wix has two editors running simultaneously—it has taken even long-time Wix users some time to fully understand this. To get straight to the point, I believe there is value in having two separate editors. Wix has long been a pioneer in providing an easy way to create websites, and that hasn’t changed. “Accessible to everyone” is one of the most important features of the product.

On the other hand, I think there’s a trade-off between making something accessible to everyone and enhancing the functionality of the product. The more features you add to create advanced sites, the harder it becomes to maintain the simplicity of use that’s so important. In other words, creating a professional-grade editor that’s still easy for everyone to use is extremely challenging.

It’s not necessarily impossible, but when you consider the countless websites around the world that have already been created using the standard editor and the responsibility Wix has to maintain those sites without issues, it’s understandable that Wix might have found it difficult to upgrade the standard editor to meet professional-level demands.

One of the most notable features of Wix Studio is its strong support for creating responsive websites. Adding such functionality to sites already built with the standard editor would likely have been a challenging task. If that’s the case, it would have been simpler to create a new domain for professional editors, allowing Wix to better control the potential issues that could arise. Additionally, labeling the new editor as “for professionals” conveys the expectation that it may be more challenging to use, making it less likely to attract complaints. If users find it difficult to operate, Wix can simply recommend using the standard editor instead.

Since Wix Studio is a relatively new editor, there are still many features available in the standard editor that are not yet available in Wix Studio. However, I believe these gaps will mostly be addressed over time. Eventually, websites created using Wix Studio will likely be of a higher quality. That said, at present, Wix Studio has its drawbacks, such as higher costs and frequent bugs.

Which editor you should use to create your website depends on the level you want to reach. If you are truly new to Wix, I believe it’s best to start with the standard Wix editor and enjoy the process of building a site. Without enjoying the process, it’s hard to achieve anything. Start by having fun, and if you eventually find that you want to do more and the standard Wix editor no longer meets your needs, you can transition to Wix Studio.

If I were new to Wix and started with Wix Studio, I think I’d get frustrated and give up because of how many things I wouldn’t understand. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That said, if you’re in a position where you need to quickly create a professional-grade website and you have the patience to learn, then starting with Wix Studio could work! One additional reason to consider is that, as of now, websites created with the standard Wix editor cannot be migrated to Wix Studio. Migration would require a complete manual rebuild. :upside_down_face:

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