What's wrong with me? I am trying to place 3 boxes in a page, as follows:

the 3 boxes have contents that are loaded dynamically from a dataset or anyhow set via javascript.
As you can see there is not a single pixel overlapping horizontally between C and A or B, so if I understand correctly this document from wix ( https://support.wix.com/en/article/corvid-how-page-layout-is-affected-when-elements-change-size ) the fact that C expends or collaps should not affect at all A nor B.

However this is what I am gettign on the preview:

Any ideas guys?

Many thanks

this is the javascript I am using:

import wixData from “wix-data” ;
$w.onReady( function () {

$w( "#textSymbol" ).text =  "Am of mr friendly by strongly peculiar juvenile. Unpleasant it sufficient simplicity am by friendship no inhabiting." ;  

$w( “#SPbox” ).show();
$w( “#SPbox” ).expand();
$w( “#textSymbol” ).show();
$w( “#textSymbol” ).expand();
$w( “#box1” ).show();
$w( “#box1” ).expand();

async function querySP() {
await wixData.query( “test” )

    .ascending( "order" ) 
    .limit( 10 ) 

//put here all your query criteria
.then((results) => {
$w( “#MultiRepeater1” ).data = results.items;

