Where do I add CSS code to an element?

Where do I add CSS code to an element? I do not see where to add or edit in Velo.

CSS code will work directly on your Wix-Page only in Wix-Studio.

Thank you for responding. Can I switch from Editor to Studio?

Actually my dashboard show I’m in Studio but when I go to edit the site, it says Wix Editor in the url
Screenshot 2024-02-14 152346

Hi @user1491! It looks like you’re in the Studio workspace. When you make the switch to Wix Studio, the transition will change your workspace only. You can enjoy all the benefits of the Studio workspace but continue to edit your sites with the classic Wix Editor (you do not have to use the Studio editor if you prefer not to).

Currently, it’s not possible to switch a site from Editor to Studio. As of now, the option to migrate a site from the Classic Editor to Wix Studio is not in our plans for the next year.

You do have the option to rebuild your classic Wix Editor site in the Studio Editor.

Hope that helps!