Is there any limitation for Editor X about Velo and APIs I want to switch to Editor X (I will redesign the same on Editor X) but I have tons of Backend and Frontend codes so I want able to create same things with Editor X
Can you guys tell me if there is a limitations about Editor X (for Velo and APIs)
Code speaking both have the same Velo engine, so you’ll see no difference. But as @certified-code said, there are missing element that still need to be supported by editorX:
rich-text input, multi-statebox, custom web component and others probably
I tried to use it to build same things (just design not code) and my choice is normal Editor . Editor X very good about responsive design but:
1- Less element than normal Editor (IMPORTANT)
2- Some Apps doesn’t support Editor X (IMPORTANT)
3- Almost 2x price against normal Editor
4- A little lag in UI (I couldn’t design same thing very easy in Editor X it has lag I don’t know why I’m holding an element but it’s shows it in another place It was hard to design) (IMPORTANT)
The same here!
I see only real advantage of Editor-X in it’s RESPONSIVENESS!
In all other aspects the points goes to → Standard-Editor.
And i also do not understand why wix is generating 2-different editors (still both buggy) instead of rolling-out a perfect combination of both.
Like AyDontLoss already described, working with Editor-X is very tiring/exhausting and even more time-consuming as the working with the STANDARD one.
Adjusting / pinning / docking and do some setup for almost every single element → this is surely not the best solution!
It would be better to give the standard-editor the possibility to make your site some kind responsive, too and the Editor-X can go to → garbadge.
I am forced to work on Editor-X and just crash my head against the wal, because there is NO MULTI-STATE-BOX in there. How can this be? How to generate complex menues without the missing element?
Or it was just rolled-out to early, without 100%-functionality. For me → still BETA-VERSION !
Sorry if i am too direct, but feedback is feedback no matter if it is POSITIVE or NEGATIVE.
@russian-dima Not only responsiveness. Also element positions such as “fixed” and “sticky” (there’s no sticky position on the classic editor, and the fixed position - pin-to-screen is limited to desktop view on the classic editor unlike EditorX.
Anyway responsiveness and having a full-width display is not a minor benefit.
Anyone who wants to have a modern design and not an old fashion design (of 5 years ago) will prefer EditorX.
I hope anybody understood me the wrong way. I just wanted to say, that Editor-X is still incomplete.
And yes having responsivness and also the sticky/fixed-functions is important, but the handling is not that good and also not realy userfriendly (attention this is just my own opinion).
But now a question: Is it in the standard-editor completely impossible to generate RESPONSIVNES for elements? I never used custom elements, but i think i should be possible to create own elements which would be RESPONSIVE.
@russian-dima If you code the entire page in a custom element, you can do it responsive. But you’ll lost the benefit of using ready-made elements, and it’ll be mush more difficult than using EditorX which is quite easy once you get used to it.
Even its current status I consider EditorX to better than the classic one due to its critical benefits.
@jonatandor35 Now I have more than 100+ hours on Editor X and I can easily say “Editor X is like Cyberpunk 2077” it’s incomplete yet!
Editor X may be targeting different audiences BUT Editor X or Wix Editor both editor is about creating “Website” so there is actually not much difference between these editors.
I don’t want to use Editor X because it’s really not making sense reasons are:
Hard to use and design.
Less element than normal Editor
2x Expensive which is not important for me but important for most users.
If I need to code everything with the custom element what’s the point of drag and drop?
Some apps still unavailable in Editor X
Here are the good things that I see on Editor X:
No need to design mobile again like in other Editor
Live collaboration and comment feature
Better Editor UI/UX (there is not so much difference but it’s better xd)
As a user and a Partner, I would want to see a single Editor with all features. It’s okay to pay more.
For Members Only/Private websites the original WIX application had a “Custom Login” feature, this was never available in Editor X, is this feature available again in WIX Studio?