Wix Bookings & Automated Invoicing

Hi all. Hoping someone may be able to help.

I am looking to create an online event space rental page, using Wix bookings to organise the calendar.

The thing is rather than using normal Wix Payments to pay, I need to use Wix Invoicing to generate an invoice charging them the correct amount and also amend the due date to 14 days prior the date the booking is set to take place.

Any guidance?


Hey Tam! To add on to this, it sounds like you’re looking to integrate Wix Bookings with Wix Invoices, where once someone books a service through Wix Bookings, an invoice is automatically generated with a due date 14 days prior to the service date. Currently, as I mentioned, this integration is not available. You can vote for this feature request here, as it is similar to what you’re looking for - https://support.wix.com/en/article/request-generating-reports-and-invoices-in-wix-bookings