Wix rental business site help

Hi there, I need help :weary:! My friend is starting a rental equipment business. She bought the premium business plan and did not know that Wix does not offer any kind of rental app (I did not know this either :confused:). I’ve tried to make this work with bookings or hotels but it’s awkward or the categories are not editable, so this won’t work. I need the booking process to be simple. Basically the customer books a package (all the packages have the same equipment), picks a date(s), and then chooses from 3 pick up times 9 am, 10 am and 11 am, and then they can drop off the equipment between 3 and 5 pm. Then they just get a confirmation email with the item information including the package # and the pickup time and location. Any ideas on how I can make this work? I’m not a coder (just a graphic designer who’s hardcoded a handful of websites). I’m a quick learner and know the basics. I’d hate to have to go to Squarespace or WordPress when she needs a site up asap. Thanks!

Wix does not currently offer a rental app. It is possible to create your own rental site using Corvid programming. This has already been done with considerable success by a number of Wix users.

For those users who need coding assistance, it is possible to find expert developers on the Wix Marketplace an online marketplace with top Corvid web developers from around the world.