Wix stability issues

I’m been seeing sporadic failures to load or save data on my sites. These are Wix internal errors and happen sporadically, not caused by the code as it generally goes away after a few tries.

I actually just came across one such occurence while I had the site event monitor, and managed to copy some of the error information. But right after that the logs got cleared on their own (I didn’t press clear)! Wix, what’s going on? Are you now actively hiding logs, not only making it difficult to get them?

Here’s what I was able to copy:

“Failed to load initial data Error: WDE0053: Internal wixData error: WDE0055: Failed to parse server response. at console.eval [as error] (https://static.parastorage.com/services/wix-code-viewer-app/1.202.0/app.js:3:8912) at errorReporter (https://static.parastorage.com/services/dbsm-viewer-app/1.647.0/app.js:1:143266) at eval (https://static.parastorage.com/services/dbsm-viewer-app/1.647.0/app.js:6:211550)”