Wix stores notifications

Hi all

I’m creating a Wix store on a client’s site. It’s quite complex as they’re offering merchandise that’s printed via a third party. Therefore, when a customer places an order, they’ll need both their own accounts department to be notified, but also the printer (an external business with no access to the website). Can anyone help me with how to set up these notifications?

Thanks in advance … urgent as client wants to go live!

Miranda :slight_smile:

Hi Miranda! This is currently a featured request which you can find here . It might be possible using Corvid. Maybe someone from the community will provide us with additional information. :slight_smile:

Voted :blush::+1:

Hi, sorry, I think you may have misunderstood. I’m not trying to sync the store with anyone else’s store, I just need to ensure that, when an order is placed on my client’s website, an email is sent to two email addresses - how do I set up who is notified of an order?


Miranda why not just make a group email and add who needs to get it to the list? Like orders@whatever.com - then just add brett@whatever and whoever else to that list. :slight_smile:


Hi Brett - but where do I add that email? My question is, I don’t know where in Wix Stores I add the email that needs to be notified :-S


Hi Brett, I also don’t know how to set up a group email - can you advise? That may be the solution as it seems only one email address can be notified when a sale is made!



@miranda https://support.wix.com/en/article/changing-your-notification-email-address-in-wix-stores