Zoom and thumbnails - Store (on Editor X)

Hi to everyone,
I have created my new site on Editor X and so far I managed to achieve a very good result.

My frustration began when I tried to implement the ZOOM and THUMBNAILS to my site which are neither available or even contemplated as forth coming available features on Editor X.
I don’t understand how Wix does not think that these features should be an absolute priority .
I will share few important pieces of information for people that, like me have an online store and need these two features.

Here the full story of; I am still not having these features

On several occasions I tried to get help from the Editor X team via phone or email; on the phone, (after one hour and a half, the time I spent most of the time on the phone holding/waiting to be connected) They were very kind and trying to help but they don’t seem to have any knowledge whatsoever of the system, they seem to be more receptionists/telephonists than a specialised Editor X team able to sort your web issues. I’m saying that because when it came to answer my technical questions they dismissively said ohh why don’t you go on our market place, not really trying to engage with the issue. Via email instead apart a few E.X team members that have been very precise and helpful mostly other member’s answer were lazy, changing a bit the subject or just saying No, what you are trying to do is not possible and then again go the marketplace bla bla bla.

  1. I tried an app called EQWID to implement zoom and thumb nails but first of all is a very basic app, not very editable in terms of info or the look that you might want to achieve, and also you need to use CSS which mostly doesn’t work, plus the “biggest problem” NEITHER Wix or Eqwid care about the fact that the zoom is not a full screen but is across the screen which I think look amateurish and not the impression I want to give of my company or products:see the image below.

So is a big NO NO to Eqwid!:x::x::x::x:

Then I started to inquire about the possibility to implement ZOOM and THUMBNAILS on Wix’s market place contacting some web "Corvid coding designer"but few of them they said they didn’t know how to do it, others asked an astronomic price like £650 which I personally I would not spend with the conclusion I am still not able to have these two features on my site.
Because I spent so much time building my site www.danielebardis.com and learning Editor X I would not want to move to an other platform and start learning again and spend an other 4 weeks to build it. I just would like to finish my site on Editor X and start selling my products.

  1. Through my research I have discovered two beautiful third party ZOOM and THUMBNAIL plug ins that I would have immediately bought, however both companies said the their features WOULD NOT WORK ON WIX or EDITOR X. You can understand my FRUSTRATION!!!:rage::weary::confounded::triumph::sob:
    These two beautiful features are:
    A) https://www.magictoolbox.com

B) the most beautiful https://www.ajax-zoom.com

just look at this screen shots!

I just went mad when the second one said: sorry we can’t implement it on your wix site.

Here it comes to express my disappointment with WIX and EDITOR X:
So Wix is trying to put together this amazing " and I do think it is amazing " web builder called Editor X that satisfies a more distinctive taste and design but in comparison with Wordpress or some other platforms it has massive limitations in terms of plugins and features.

I really need to have these features on my site ASAP otherwise I will need to move to Wordpress which would take a long time for long and is vastly more expensive. To have the features I want I would need to have multiple plugins to achieve the look I want for the ZOOM and THUMBNAILS.

So my point is: you want personalised features ? Wix should be able to do it for you. Of course I’m happy to pay, but Wix should have a department where you pay and have your dedicated features done instead of wander on the marketplace and wasting your time. It’s imperative that the Editor X team listen to you and understand their product and how it can adapt for the various businesses it serves without referring you to the marketplace to fen for yourself, which is a minefield. Currently they don’t have enough experience and they show you something that is completely different from your request or, like I said ask for a crazy price which is way out of your budget and you don’t even know if is going to work the way you want it?

At this point I am still contemplating the idea to migrate my site to Wordpress unless somebody kindly could give some help how to implement those two fantastic features I showed you in the the images above.

Thank you for reading and please guys let me know if you have any solutions?


Hi Daniele,

We appreciate the time, effort, and thought that you put into this post! Thank you sharing with the rest of the community.

We apologize for the experience you had while trying to get help and answers for this, we will investigate how we can make that experience better.

We understand how this feature can be really important for the site and shared the feedback with the rest of the team. We do not have an in-house service to build features for users for money. Instead we use our users’ feedback as the the main source for feature ideas and improvements, a vast majority of features that we are releasing and will roll out in the future are based solely on the feedback have been receiving in the past couple of months.

As far as the Image Zoom and Image Thumbnails for the Product Page are concerned, they currently exist in the Classic Wix Editor, but have not been fully implemented into Editor X yet.

Currently, we are in the process of bringing over all the app features and creating new functionality for them along the way! We understand how this feature can be really important and we have already shared the feedback with the rest of the team to implement.

We suggest that if the zoom and Image Thumbnails are needed right away, then you can build the site on the Classic Editor. keeping in mind that currently we don’t offer the option to migrate between the two platforms.

Please feel free to let us know if you have any additional questions or comments.


Hi Sebi,
Thanks for reading it and for your comment, much appreciated!
I built my site on E.X. after two year of having my previous site on the normal obsolete editor from Wix and frankly you just made laugh when you said I can rebuild my sit on the normal editor.
I am not sure you have seen the difference between these zoom companies I have shown above and what you have called zoom and thumb nails on the normal editor?

I appreciate the E.X. is working on the features and Apps however I have noticed there’s no mentioning of bringing these features into the “coming soon” list on the E.X. page features etc.

What would have been very appreciated it would have been to read: let me see if we can find the way to implement these features for you and the next coming online stores or let me check if these features are seriously coming and an approximation in terms on releasing time.

best regards


Also Sebi,
I wouldn’t have put the online store on Editor X if is not fully functioning and finished. I think your teem should do a bit or research about online stores and see what they look like.
To give a very simple example: even Amazon which is not necessarily clothing, has thumbnailrsand zooooommmmmm.
I hope you understand why I am totally disappointed.



Just a quick update,
Zoom is now available in the Products gallery:


Dear Dana, thanks for your update.
Unfortunately the zoom you showed me is not great and to be honest I not interlay sure you have red with attention what I wrote previously. If you would pay more attention to what customers say and show you, Wix would be a better platform.
Like I said before Editor X is great but in terms of e-commerce is not at all, and the only semi decent plug in is Eqwid. You should create a plug in with e-commerce like Woo Commerce, not Eqwid.

This is great amount of description you have added @daniele It was mind - boggling to see this feature missing, unbelievable.

As much as I loved the web dev experience on this platform, this thing is like a show stopper.

Rather than taking it up as a required feature and delivering the solution, support staff start throwing random ideas at us.