Add more global settings for text in Site Style Panel

Is this currently an existing feature request?

Wishlist item
Add more global settings for text in Site Style Panel

What current pain point are you facing?
I am coming from Webflow and I’m just finding something a little hard to believe.

  • There is a Site Styles Panel. But you can’t set things like line height or character spacing. So we need to go through every header and paragraph on each page if we want to change them.

  • In the Site Styles Panel, you can only set styles for desktop. You can’t set anythig for tablet or mobile… So if I want to change the font size, I have to go through every header and paragraph on every page on tablet and then mobile. Madness.

  • I see there is a text ‘Scale’ toggle in Site Style panel. But there is no global font size scale to - from setting, so I would still need to adjust the set sizes individually for every text element on every page on desktop, tablet and mobile.

Do you have a current workaround that you’re using?
I could use custom CSS… But I really shouldn’t have to do that as these things should just be in the editor as standard.

Describe the feature you need and how it would work. (Bonus points for mockups :wink:)
When I click on the table version, any changes I make in the Site Style panel for text will effect tablet and cascade down. Same with mobile changes. Please add in all of the text options to the site style panel (line heigh, text weight, character spacing, scaling to-from, etc…)

How will this impact you?
It will make Wix viable for building larger sites and bring it up to a professional industry standard.


:star: Just wanted to check back in with you. I think you’ll like this update!

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