Another problem...

Hi again lol…I’m having another issue. I’m trying to add more fields to my Live Database through the Databse Manager. When I add them, the fields show up with BRACKETS " [ ] " around them. While the original id, username, password, and email fields do not have brackets around them. When I go back to the main page and come back to the database, the fields are gone and I have to add them all over again. In the editor, the Sandbox Mode database - I have added the fields as well, and they do NOT have brackets around the fields. I tried Synching the databases, and copying the sandbox to the Live database, but still nothing. I have tried looking up information on how to Add new Field Columns to my database, but couldn’t find any information online. Thanks in advance.

Nevermind. I’ve found what I needed. Thanks anyway! :slight_smile: