AnyHelp Please ! wix dashboard reports to wix website

how to import data from wix reports to my wix website?
maybe we can use webhook schedule delivery google app script google sheet
but I don’t know how?
if you can help please share your knowledge with us
want wix analytics and reports to appear on my live website

It is not possible to have Wix analytics API currently.

Please consider using Google Analytics, or make use of the Reports sender (send to your email every day) and handle that with zapier or other tools.

Thank you @certified-code for your reply
What about this schedule delivery and webhook url option in wix reports ? how we can use this with google appscript to send data automatically to google sheets? kindly help and check these attatchment I think it is possible but don’t don’t know how and still searching

Also Reports sender has only 30 days option and I want the accumulated values
