Automatic Invoices/Receipts

Yesterday I spend my afternoon trying to get a solution for this issue with WIX and Stripe, and I am honestly very disappointed on WIX response for this problem.
At the moment, we can manually create invoices, but what is the point of this when you have many clients purchasing products everyday?

When we buy something online, we want to receive a receipt via e-mail that proves what we bought so we can keep it for our records, but it also gives some credibility to the business. On top of that, as self-employed, I need to have an invoice/receipt for every single payment I receive (imagine how many hours of admin I need if I manually create an invoice for every single payment!)
There is a reason why every single online store creates automatic invoices. There is a fee that goes into this payment providers, but for the admin that it sames me, its definitely worth it.

Now, here is the problem… WIX does not produce automatic invoices, and I am fine with it, as I have PayPal and Stripe as my payment providers. PayPal works just fine with receipts, but Stripe has been producing invoices that say that my clients paid for example £120 for “xhad_0598dhajah”. How can they or I present this as proof of their purchase? Instead of showing the description of the product they purchased, it is showing a random code, that appears to be the ID of the purchased created by WIX.

I called WIX to see if there was something they could do on their end, and the answer was negative. The gentlemen over the phone sent me the link for a future request on Automatic invoices for Paid Plans, which I have voted for ( ), but that does not include automatic invoices for ANY other purchase such as products on a store or a single session, for example.
I called Stripe to see what the problem was and I spoke to two different operators who were very professional and showed me where I could see the information that is sent over to them about the product, and that’s what they use for their invoices. And guess what… there was no information about the product that is bought, hence why it is not showing on the product description!

Please check this video showing the information that is passed on to Stripe:

I’ve also done another video to show what is that code that they are receiving and what information is not being passed onto them:

After that, I called WIX again, willing to show them the code, what is happening to me, spend some time over the phone to see what could be done, and the answer was “we cannot change what we send to them, so there is nothing we can do on our end”. Now I ask myself…
If you are the ones who are not passing on all the information that is necessary, than WHO can fix this problem?

Just think for a second: would you trust a business that sends you an invoice saying that you paid £400 for “ach23_skdhjkdjkdl8563” and would you be able to use that invoice/receipt for future reference if you have any problems with your purchase?
If the answer is no, than this is something that needs to be looked at.

I rarely get annoyed and write big complaints/requests. I understand there is a lot to work on WIX, and you are doing what you can, and we need to work with what we have, but this is another level. If the information can be sent properly to one payment provider, than it should be possible to do the same to a different one. I have made purchases on websites that used Stripe as their payment provider, and I can guarantee that I received a proper receipt (as showed above).

Please, please, have a look at this, or start creating Invoices/Receips for ALL purchases, regardless of being paid plans or one-off payments.

Thank you, and really hope this will be sorted