We’re happy to announce that Wix Stores launched a new and improved way to manage and display product categories.
From now on, you’ll be able to display them automatically & design them together using a single template page – the Category Page.
Note: The new Category Page is currently only available in the Classic Editor.
What does that mean?
Every category will have its own URL and slug. Categories will have advanced SEO settings to help you promote products on search engines.
You won’t need to spend time creating and designing a separate Shop page for each category. Everything will be designed from one template Category Page.
You’ll still be able to use product galleries to feature specific categories, but you won’t need to do it for every category you add to the store.
What else do you get?
More design and customization options in mobile
An option to show category descriptions and images in the storefront
A category sidebar that lets customers navigate between categories
An easier way to show, hide, or add new categories to your site
What do you need to know if you plan to add the new Category Page to an existing website?
All of the site’s categories will be immediately visible on the storefront. You’ll need to go to the Business Manager and disable any categories that shouldn’t be visible to customers.
You’ll need to redirect all of the old Shop URLs to the new category URLs to keep the existing SEO ranking of the site.
You’ll need to design the new Category Page to match the look and feel of the website.
We were expecting a much more significant update such as:
Ability to add subcategories to products (e.g., T-Shirt: Man/Woman)
Creating product kits
Ability to pair products with other items to make the ecommerce site more effective (e.g., “Also purchase these items with the T-shirt and create a complete style”)
Ability to customize the ecommerce site design in a more advanced way (all sites look the same)
Speeding up the loading of various ecommerce buttons (currently, the Add to Cart button is so slow that it discourages customers from buying)
Ability to view products in 360°
Ability to add additional services such as “Warranties and much more” to products.
The UI that it produces for the Banner and Title are ugly, not very customizable. PLease look at this self made category page and see if you can develop something that resembles this:
It has a title, a punch line and another line with an action text.
Also, on your categories page, if we leave the breadcrumbs on we may not change its background.
I decided to jump in and convert my site over to the new and fancy category pages as I need this for my sound design business and the different producers I sell products for. I would like to submit a request to enable FULL design abilities as you can’t change the color of the filter selection boxes- they are always thin and black (and I have a dark mode site so this has become an issue on how to make it usable). Currently, I cannot publish my updates as the filter boxes are black on dark blue. Please fix this asap.
I want to add an additional problem. Kudobuzz does NOT work with this. I assume they will have to code it as it’s a new module but this should be addressed right away. I can’t roll this out when it removes the hard earned reviews. I have sent a support ticket to them in case they can implement this (but if this is BETA then they probably wouldn’t).
I have discussed the new Category feature with Kudobuzz and they will work on it. Heads up to anyone who is on a premium plan that includes Kudobuzz - this currently doesn’t show any reviews on products in the new category. This is a big fail to me as you can’t go back. Thankfully I only updated my sound designer name category which is a secondary way of looking at my products (and not on my main page). This should be added to warnings if a user decides to convert so they aren’t left out impacting potential business. Please do better Wix!!!
Hi I have to say I appreciate you looking at this and offering beta. I am not loving it. It all seems quite clunky. The old version is better by a country mile. I was just the ability to have the theme across all categories that was the issue. Interested in what others think though?
So a bunch of us have commented in the last few months but have yet to see any Wix response. Please see the comment and give some signs of life. Are updates coming? Will there be fixes to the issues mentioned? Not sure why there is silence from Wix on this- give us some hope please!
Falta mejorar pero va por buen camino, es básico tener el control dinámico de las categorías. Lo único que no es funcional es la imagen que se enlaza de la categoría. Pero, al menos se puede presicindir de ella desactivándola hasta que lo mejoren. Definitivamente esa imagen tiene que ser independiente. Pero en general es un gran avance poder crear categorias de manera dinámica.
Hi, it would be awesome if there was an option to hide certain filters on some categories (for example, filters that are relevant only to the cakes page shouldn’t be visible on the “all products” page).