Can't Pin Up a Button

Hi everyone,

I am using Wix Studio Editor.

What I am working on:

  1. On a Detail Page, I have 20 buttons in a repeater, connected to my CMS. The overflow content is hidden for better design.
  2. On my homepage, I also have the same 20 buttons in a repeater connected to my CMS. Let’s say they are labelled QWERTYUIOP. If a user clicks the “R” button on the homepage, they are directed to the Detail Page to access more information.


  • On the Detail Page, is it possible to pin “R” at the top of the view in the scrollable repeater? I want the order of the repeater to remain unchanged, but the view should automatically scroll so that “R” is at the top of the container. If the user scrolls up from there, they should still be able to see QWE before R.

What I’ve tried:

  • I attempted to reorder the buttons when one is clicked.
    Originally: QWERTYUIOP
    After clicking “R”: RTYUIOPQWE
    This moves “R” to the top of the list, but it alters the order, which I feel could confuse users.

Additional information:

Thank you in advance for your time and support! :blush:

I’m not sure how that’d behave with nested scrolling, but you may want to try Scroll To | Velo

You just explained “sticky column” effect.

This is not possible in the classic Wix editor. It is only possible in Wix Studio.