Client Website: Applying a Premium Plan and Ownership

As part of the Wix Partner Program, would someone mind explaining their workflow?

Pramarily, I am curious to know the following:

  1. Is it necessary to apply Premium Plans from the account of the website designer? If so, do you ask the customer for their credit card information to apply this?

  2. Do you generally transfer the website ownership to the company or do you maintain ownership?

I’m interested in knowing anything about this process. The help is greatly appreciated.

Hi, it’s a very good question we have recently answered ourselves as a young Design Agency. By no means I ask client for cc. We create a full documented proposal where commercial conditions are established and payments are agreed and if the client accepts, payment has been agreed.

Regarding retaining the plan or transferring it to the client, we establish a fee if the client wishes to acquire the full control of the website.

This “restriction” is easily justifiable with the offering of a “great $$ quote’, knowing that there will be a yearly service fee, which we also charge in proposals and should cover all the plans and add ons plus profit.

This also gives us the opportunity of offering a Blog with an additional proposal, and then an online store and so on.

Our learning curve is too expensive to just hand over a website without passing on the costs of our commitment to the Wix platform and learning process.

As long as you are offering value, clients will accept gladly any conditions you may set in advance.


Thank you for this guidance. You gave me a lot to think about.

Do you have a link to your agency’s website? It would be great to check it out.