Create in Client account?

I have a new client that has already started to create her own webiste in her Wix account and has added the Wix Hotel App. Her site has been published but she needs major help. She wants me to build her a new site. Issue is she has published her current site with the Wix Hotel App and I understand that the app (with it’s info) can not be transferred into the new site I will create in my account. Asking for some feedback as to how I should approach this situation. First time for me using the Wix Hotel app. I always have built sites and then transferred them to the clients. I feel working from within her account could be tricky? Any suggestions?

Hi! Sounds like you’ve got yourself in a bit of a pickle.

Perhaps she can make you a contributor while maintaining her ownership so you can still work on her site from your account?

Good luck! Let us know what you decide, I’m curious.

Thanks, Sheyla. I was thinking the same thing. Just have to figure out how to lay out my design fee payment. I usually receive the final payments before I transfer a site over, but if I am working as a contributor on her site (basically redesigning it) making changes there is not that balance there.

Whatever price you’re embarrassed to ask for… Double that. :+1:t4::nerd_face: