Hi there, not sure if there is an existing post regarding this, but just wondering if there is a way I can customize my drop down menu. Is it possible to set up a full width horizontal drop down menu instead of the standard vertical. This is an example of how we would like it https://www.oneandonlyresorts.com/one-and-only-wolgan-valley-australia/accommodation#
Thanks in advance!
Hi Willian,
You can choose a horizontal menu from the menu tab,
Then to get the full width menu, click on that menu and few icons will come up, click the stretch icon

Hope this helps!
Hi Mustafa,
Thanks for your reply, however we already have an horizontal menu. When you hover over each page that makes up the menu (ABOUT, STAY, EXPLORE and so on) a drop down menu or subpage will appear underneath. I can’t find a way to customize that one and have it horizontal and full width instead of vertical.
If you click on the link I have attached in the previous post and hover over every single page (ABOUT, ACCOMMODATION, ACTIVITIES and so on) you will see what I mean. I hope this makes sense.
Thank you again.
Unfortunately, you cannot customize the subpage tab. Feel free to vote for this feature HERE
I really want to see horizontal subpages menu as well, seems ridiculously easy for a Wix developer to do. This should be standard really. Please make this feature possible or create some code to help do this.
My suggestion would be to replace the horizontal menu with a set of individual buttons on your header (same design nd everything just not a regular menu). Then to get the full width custom sub menu, create a lightbox. Make sure the background overlay is opacity 0% etc. (or maybe not if you want focus on sub menu) and ensure ‘clicking closes lightbox‘ is enabled. Then move the lightbox itself in position under the header. Link it to the relevant button that needs a sub menu, then you can create an entire sub menu with animation and everything. Then repeat if you need multiple custom sub menus! In all you just have to stop using the standard menus and make up your custom ones from individual buttons, not ideal but necessary if you really need a custom menu beyond the design limits of Wix. Just remember it will not auto update when you add a new page etc. so you will need to keep on top of it alongside changes.
Hope this helps
P.S. I haven’t actually employed this tactic yet so if you do try it let me know if it works!
im trying this right now but i cant seem to move the lightbox itself to under the menu, do you know how i might do that?
I don’t think you will ever get an answer here. This post is already about 2-years old.
You should better open your own post with your own issue-description.