Hi, I notice that one of our databases is no longer being displayed under the dashboard/editor though records are still being displayed on the site (but now with formatting info included too). Hoping this is just a glitch with Wix - Any advice appreciated
I am running into a similar issue. Only one database displays, and when I add another one the first one disappears. I made a post on here yesterday about it but nobody has responded. I hope they get this figured out, it has to be some sort of a bug!
Our publications database on both our sites is missing in the dashboard and Wix Code, but the content still appears on the live site. Currently in the process of uploading content to our site, so this is critical…
Site 1 https://www.reutgroup.org/publications
Site 2 https://www.heb.reutgroup.org/publications
We have the same issue since 2 days ago. We’re missing ALL our databases. And Wix support cannot be contacted via phone or chat… hopefully, they’re looking at restoring databases already. We’re are most concerned about our year’s worth of information in those databases.
Yeah I really hope they are trying to get something figured out. I opened a support ticked via email yesterday, but I haven’t heard a word back. I wish we could just hear some confirmation that this is an issue that they are looking at! It’s not acceptable to have our database information compromised like this.
Hi all,
we are currently experiencing issues serving data in some locations. You may be affected by that.
All of your data is safe. We are working to restore the service to its full capacity.
That’s good to hear. Thanks so much!!!
UPDATE: Our databases our back!! That was quick. Thanks so much!!!
We have uncovered and resolved the issue. Let us know, if still continue to experience disruptions in data service.
Looks like ours are showing up again as well. Thank you for a quick response to this issue!