Direct from our Product Team -The Latest Features and Releases

It’s been a busy month for the Editor X Product Team!

Here’s a summary of the latest advanced features and updates. Click ‘Learn More’ to check out in-depth posts, direct from the team.

Multi State Boxes
Multi State Boxes allow different pieces of content to be displayed one state at a time—ideal for wizards, FAQ templates, product galleries, and more. >>>Learn More

Shareable Libraries
Share your design libraries with individuals who don’t have access to your Editor X account to allow them to save and reuse your assets. >>>Learn More

Rich Content Comments
Add detail and personality to site comments by adding files and formatting. Plus, tag collaborators to tell them they’ve been mentioned. >>>Learn More

Calculation for Size Units
Calculate different units of measurement together to control element sizing with extreme accuracy. >>>Learn More

Restaurant Orders
Accept restaurant orders for pickup and delivery on Editor X sites. Streamline your order process and provide an exceptional purchasing flow. >>>Learn More

Site Checker
Quickly identify site issues, navigate directly to problem areas and easily optimize them. >>>Learn More

Grid Area Refinements
Manage how elements are placed within and across grid cells using an interactive panel that visualizes the grid areas. >>>Learn More

Section Backgrounds and Scroll Effects
Use images and videos as section backgrounds and bring them to life with new scroll effects, including parallax and 3D. >>>Learn More

Max Content
Define the size of containers, vertical sections, buttons, text and flexboxes based on the content within them using the max content sizing unit. >>>Learn More

Did you know?

The Editor X product team posts the latest feature announcements and updates directly to the Announcements Section of the Editor X Forum . It’s a great way to stay up to date on the latest releases, ask questions and comment

Plus, add your own feature requests to the forum wishlist . We’ll be sure to feed your comments back directly to the team.

Share your thoughts and feedback in the comments below!


Hi Maria,
Congratulation for these updates.
And thank you to all the EditorX team from our little Girafe team :slight_smile:

Thanks @rajadaher :heart_eyes:

Hi Maria,
Text Highlight feature behind the text on Editor X is not working well as it does in the Traditional Wix platform. The length of the color behind the text increases with the breakpoints. Please forward this to your team to fix this issue. Thanks.

@info2713 thanks for sharing this, I will feed back to our product team

@info2713 Is your text box set to fluid with your font not set to scale? I was able to replicate something similar but I think it should be expected as the textbox has the color but the text is not scaling up to fill the text.

The text is scaled on the mobile version. This is how it looks on the mobile breakpoint.

The text size is not set to scalable on tablet version.the

Why is it filling up the whole textbox? We need to just highlight the text.

Thanks for the clarification and screenshots. Will raise this to the team.