Partner Round Table: Editor X Updates

Join our upcoming discussion on our Partner YouTube channel to learn about the latest features coming to Editor X.

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You can also expect a never-before-seen product reveal by the team.

This is a round table you definitely don’t want to miss, so come claim your seat!

What do you hope the reveal might be?! Let us know down below!

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Well, Design Team my hot wish is for Editor X to launch image hover transitions on mouseover (without code) and full width slide shows I can add text and images to! keeping my fingers crossed, I’ll be there, thanks for all you dedicated work.

Thank you for your feedback Michael! We hope you can tune in on the 24th. :slight_smile:

Very exciting!


Thank you so much or those beautiful no coding necessary image transition events it makes so much difference to my portfolio images, congratulations to all the development team a great job. One of my dreams came true today I can wait for the next one! Mike

Feedback for the hover interactions: add functionality so they can be disabled on certain breakpoints. on mobile they server no function and affect loading times. Thank you

Also one instance of an animation broke my page (make it load blank), so I had to remove it in order for the page to load again.

I found that the issue arrived when I added an underline style to a text element on hover.

Thank you for your feedback Michael!

@_toby thank you for your feedback! I’ve forwarded it to the team!

@_toby thank you for your feedback, we will definitely look into that.

@michaeljfox344 thank you :pray:
we look forward to hearing your feedback.

@stevenjose Here are my thoughts on the new features (that I posted on the other forum post).
The releases are a great start but there are quite a number of issues.

The Interactions feature on Editor X is plagued with bugs. Adding the interactions seems to work fine, but once an Interaction is added, it messes with all the other elements and settings for an element. For example if an element has an Animation or an image has a Parallax scroll effect on it, then I add an interaction, it messes up.

Don’t get me started on when I use Velo code for elements then add an Interaction haha!! Lets just say using both Velo custom code and Interactions DOES NOT WORK.

My question is why did Wix push the ‘Editor X Unstoppable’ event when they knew non of the new features were near ready for launch!? This is a quite a let down to be honest. I was all hyped up for these features and its taken 2 months since the event to release a BETA of Interactions that doesn’t work nearly as well as it should be for it to be released for users. There’s no sign of Concurrent Editing feature being released anytime soon… “A couple of weeks” i guess, as the Editor X team has been saying for the past couple of months… :rofl: I’m guessing ‘Editor X Unstoppable’ event was a marketing gimmick to keep the Wix stock investors happy.

Nothing in that event was real game changing. Not until we can get full access to the site assets like Stylesheet or HTML. Also, it would be great if Editor X team could take more inspiration from Figma and integrate it into Editor X. Like how much design customization Figma has. For example should be able to create gradients straight in the Inspector panel.

Wix has the audacity to charge us an arm and a leg for Editor X pricing. Editor X doesn’t meet the competition its trying to compete with so it shouldn’t be setting the prices so high for a half baked product. At this point, I feel Wix is being greedy.

Sure, Editor X is pretty decent, but I am upset. I am expecting better from a company like Wix that has been around for like 20 years and is one of the biggest companies in its field. Wix is really falling behind the competition. I am not getting the value for money.

Please, I am not hating. I just want a better product!

Replied here .