Domain Connection Question

I am trying to connect a domain but am getting the following error. Has anyone else experienced this and what’s the fastest way to resolve it? Is it possible my client created a wix account with this domain name? (They have no recollection of ever creating a Wix account).

“This domain is in another account. Make sure you have filled in the correct domain name.
If you’re sure this domain is yours, log into the account associated with this domain.”

Hi Shannon,

This means that domain is indeed associated to another Wix account. The best thing to do is contact support so they can take a look and tell you which account.

Keep in mind though, that only your client will be able to log into the account where that domain is located in order to remove it.

One possibility is that a former employee was going to create a website and never followed through. Thanks Steven

Update: After some time on the phone with support and being transferred to “Approvals” they cancelled the domain from the other account and I was able to move forward.

Glad to hear Shannon! I’m glad I was able to help.