Domain error and website not live

I have wix premium lite and made a website via wix editor. The website was ready and I paid for my domain. I connected the domain to the website and waited for 24h as they said. But 2 weeks after it still didn’t work. I got always an error page in google (picture below).

I tried to use wix stuido, and made an whole different website, and I conected the domain to the wix studio website, but still the same problem. I republished may times and also cleared my browser many times. Nothing helped. I have now to year abbonements I paid for and they dont work. I feel a little bit ripped of. Need Wix the work for my bussiness taugh. Pleas help me out guys.

Thankyou in advence.

Greetings Jack

Hey @Jacky_Maes!

Do you have a link to the domain you were trying to connect? Do you know the method you chose (e.g. automatic connect vs pointing etc.)? And was the domain purchased with Wix or externally?

I’ve often found this article helpful for knowing how to connect a domain to my sites - Connecting a Domain You Own to Your Wix Site | Help Center | - if it’s still not working, I’d recommend reaching out to Customer Care who have the tools to be assist :slight_smile: