! don't update your site to wix studio!

I made the mistake of hitting the update button and then publishing without checking. It has turned my site into a train wreck. Now I have to spend a shxxxt load of time fixing it! Really, really annoyed :frowning:

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I have updated 75+ Studio sites, many with complex code and custom functionality. Finger crossed, not had a single issue as yet.


Maybe just bad luck for me. I had vertical sections, which aren’t supported anymore. I suggest making a copy and then updating it, that way you can revert if necessary.

Same! I even used the AI to see if it would fix the issues it gave me, watched the videos that match the correct editor but most of the videos use their own names for things and not the actual nomenclature used on the editing sites. It’s confusing. At this point my live site is dead in the water because I can’t find a live person to chat with. I know exactly how you feel.

Hey @simon56645, @Korenation_Studio_s! :wave:

Are you able to share some details about the areas that aren’t working as expected? I’d be happy to have the team take a look :slight_smile:

Any links or before/after videos/photos would be great - feel free to send them via DM too (clicking on my profile photo should give the option to chat)

Hi Noah. I’ve clicked on your profile and the message/chat buttons don’t appear. I’ve made a short-ish video. Let me know how to get this to you.

Hey @simon56645 :slight_smile:

Started the chat for us - hopefully you should see it now