My Editor X Website still hasn't recieved the WIX Studio Update Message

Hi all, just wondering if there anything I’m doing wrong or can do to get my Editor X website to update to WIX Studio?

Wix Studio / Editor X

What are you trying to achieve:
This is a little bit frustrating at this point as I have essentially put holds on my clients website development until the WIX Studio transition - IS THERE ANY WAY TO FORCE UPDATE IT TO THE NEW WIX STUDIO.

I don’t really want to keep developing the website if WIX Studio is going to spew out a mess of a converted website due to the compatibility / conversion between the editors.

What have you already tried:
I have just waited, and waited and waited and waited for the Update message to pop up on the Editor X website editor page but still nothing: “This site will soon be ready for an update to WIX Studio”


Additional information:
Any help would be appreciated


do you have a small banner at the top of your editor like this ? if so you can click learn more and it will ask you to update.

Screenshot 2024-08-27 160848

Hi @Dan_Suhr
Unfortunately, it doesn’t prompt me to update. It just opens a small pop up that says "Updating an Editor X Site to the Studio Editor"which ironically shows an example of what the upgrade pop up i think you suggesting would look like.

Is my website, as its suggest not ready for the update yet? and if so can you provide me of any timeline of when it would be ready?

See attached

Hey @jrgdigitalconsultanc!

There’s a small handful of sites that aren’t able to update at the moment, but I see your URL in the screenshot, so will ask the team what’s holding it up :muscle:

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Hey @noahlovell
Thank you so much I really appreciate it.