Editor X is extremely Slow

Editor X Admin is extremely slow not even able to delete extra sections, not even able to do anything on editor x and now the live website is also too slow taking too much time on page upload, can anyone help what is the reason behind, my website is a one-pager website and it is really urgent


When this happens to me, I clear my browser cache, quit the application and restart.

Additionally, make sure you don’t have too many animations or elements that are heavy in file size, especially if you are animating it itself.

As for the grid, not being able to see what you have going on, I can only speculate. When you are in the ADJUST GRID > EDIT GRID mode, simply double click the row or column you want to remove. A dialog box will appear and you can see where to edit.

If you already know this, here is what I look for when it happens to me. Sometimes a ROW is set to AUTO and there is nothing in it, and therefor you can not see it. Just select the one below or above and delete it. Then adjust your heights. Columns are less of a culprit because you can not set them to auto and the seem to be alway visible, even when off the screen.

I hope this helps.


I use editor x still low 2022, and finally stop moving several times. It’s really frustrating!

What elements or parts of the Editor are going slow? If you can provide a screenshot or video, it’d help us investigate the elements so the team can get confirmation on the parts that are slow.

Hi @Rob ,

I am experiencing the same. For me pretty much everything is slow. Adding an element. Making a size, color, opacity, padding change in the style menu, even an element id change in DevMode or typing something basic like $w(‘box1’).show();

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My experience of this problem is posted here…

The laggyness is an issue, and one I’d rather not have to live with, though it’s bearable for me. As I mentioned in my other post on this though, EdX looks to perform well when I watch instructional videos, mainly composed in the States I’d guess. So it’s frustrating knowing that it can perform normally, just not for me (and some others it seems).

I have a good infrastructure, so I know it’s not that causing the problem. Likewise I’m well aware of how to fine tune my browser / laptop to get the best out of any web apps I’m using, so I don’t think it’s that either.

Me tooooo!!!
Everything is slow and laggy to let me doubt what year am I living right now?
When I click “edit my web” loaded for 30 secs,
When I click “preview my web” loaded for 50 secs even minutes.
Not even say when I do different device design, it really let me feel sad. :frowning:
and every element I click, I have to wait for secs.

hi, all
we are sorry to hear that you are experiencing this Editor X loading time problem and we are grateful that you are reporting it

such cases got to be investigated further by the Editor X support team in the ticket format, as per the investigation process, some personal information and specific steps might be required, may I ask you to provide us with the site links that are loading way to long on Editor X for you? Once we will receive this information, support tickets will be created. If you are not ok with sharing any site links on Forum, please contact our support team

@sophie @plamenanpetrova @keith93516

Thanks for backlinking the post. Collecting everyone’s feedback here. Thanks for sharing it’s in the UK as well.

Can anyone please explain why EdX Studio is so slow? Freezes and cannot design practically anything… It’s so frustrating and very disappointing.

Two things which may help:

I’ve found that there’s a significant drag on ops if the Layers & Inspector panels are open when trying to do anything on the canvas. I think it’s just because displayed properties are continually updating with changed values in real-time, which slows the whole editor / browser display / real-time refresh down immensely.

It seems to benefit things if these panels are only opened when it’s needed to view or change properties in them, otherwise leave them closed unless you need them open for a specific reason. They’re obviously important, so this isn’t an easy ask.

The 2nd is to close the browser down every couple of hours, as lag seems to build over time. I don’t know why this is, but in the end with me I’ve found restarting the browser refreshes everything.

Hope this helps you in your woes…

I’d just add UNDO/REDO to this list. I’d guess on average each undo / redo action step takes 5 to 10 secs, much longer if you have to step back through a series of changes, as EdX often gets confused with more than more than one completed step back / forward at a time. And often it just hangs, leaving you unsure what’s happening, what changes are actually going to be undone / redone.

Using UNDO/REDO is a bit of a guessing game. Taking just one step back, to see it reflected in the editor, takes 5 to 10 secs if it goes smoothly…but that’s if the action you’re undoing is equal to what Editor X thinks your step was. Sometimes your one step is more than one EdX step, or actually no step in EdX at all. It’s easy to get lost with the inaccuracy of all of this, amongst the delays and lags and uncertainty.

Problems with this are not helped as there’s no history / step naming to tell you where you are at any point in time. Over a series of undo / redo steps it’s usually impossible to tell what’s actually going on, what’s been done / undone, while you’re waiting for EdX to catch up, hoping that it stops at the change you intended, which, often as not it does not.

The upshot of this that it’s usually quicker to bypass undo / redo and just recreate the state you want manually from memory, without going through the uncertainty & delay of using UNDO / REDO.

Sounds cool and not too different from using the site history. You could use the site history and rename the site revisions and that should help to know for large changes done on the site.

@Rob Thanks for pointing this out, I’ll use site history for large revision management from now on. But my points above still stand when it comes to a small series of, or single undo / redo actions. The undo / redo tool just isn’t - for me anyway - really usable in it’s current form, it’s performance is more of a hinderance than a help. Unfortunately, site history isn’t a substitute for undo / redo either whilst actively editing a site.

I have the same problems of extreme slowness, despite an updated Desktop, 16GO RAM, and no other application open, and the anti-virus disconnected!

After 1 hour / 1h30, the slowness becomes more and more annoying. It is really frustrating.

Clear the browser cache, cookies, … and refresh. And then it’s ok. But each time you have to close the browser and refresh, it’s a pain.

Maybe the “autosave” mode has something to do with it, right?
And yes, I also see when the Layers & Inspector panels are open, it lags a lot ! The panels are very useful and necessary in the creation. It’s hard to do without them.


TQ for the detailed report on this, our developers are always working on the Editor X performance and we will forward your feedback to them. If the Editor X loading time issues will bother you, please contact our support team for more deep and personalized investigation

I hear you. Happens to me to when working with others and have to stop and think about the last major thing we did together and continue from there. Will make sure it’s brought up though. :grinning:

Hi, I am looking for a solution to this problem. The editor is usable only for the first 15 minutes, after everything start to became unusable, slow, buggy.
It is a problem you have from 2017 (as it is visible in a post in the Velo community forum) and still is not solved after 5 years.

Also it makes impossible to work on this tool. I am with it and initially I loved it, but this is a major problem and you seems not to have a plan to solve it.
It makes me rethink the choice and for sure I cannot recommend it to anyone if not for amateur.

If you have a plan, or a fix, please deploy it or communicate it.

As a Mac user, I use the newer Brave browser to JUST work at Wix, while doing all my web browsing on other browsers. This allows me to save application memory and dedicate it to the Wix editor, which is essentially an online app. Like with local apps on your computer, having too many files open at the same time, having not close the app in a while, or simply not clearing the cache from time to time kills the processing power of the browser to manage the complex tasks.

Since doing this, my EditorX experience has been smooth sailing. At the end of the day, I clear my browser cache and shut down the app, and restart fresh the next day.

@federico hello there
Could you contact our Customer Care on this, a thorough investigation needs to be made into such type of requests