Failed to load resource

Can I get support in troubleshooting Velo code? I’m repeatedly seeing **Failed to load resource

Dynamic Pages with Velo code

What are you trying to achieve:
I’m trying to create a dynamic page with dropdown and open text search but unable to run the code to test the features due to Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED []

What have you already tried:
I followed the instructions from this page but it’s clearly not working as expected.

Additional information:
Below is the code added to the dynamic page. Please advise.

import wixData from ‘wix-data’;

$w.onReady(function () {


export function searchButton_click(event) {

function search() {

    .contains("name", $w('#searchInput').value)
   // .and(wixData.query("eqEvents").contains("propertieType", String($w('#dropdown2').value)))
   // .or(wixData.query("eqEvents").contains("name", $w('#searchInput').value))
    .or(wixData.query("eqEvents").contains("venue", $w('#searchInput').value))

    .then(results => {
        $w('#eqEventsRepeater').data = results.items;


export function resetButton_click(event) {

$w('#disciplineDropdown').value = undefined;
$w('#venueDropdown').value = undefined;
$w('#searchInput').value = undefined;



If you don’t mind me asking what type of filters are you trying to create? Is it for product collection or some other database?

A link or screenshot will be a plus

I’m using simple filters and leveraging Wix collection database; it’s not external. Here is a screenshot for your review.

If it’s a simple filter, you don’t need the code at all. :slight_smile:

Use the input elements (drop-down, checkbox, input fields) etc, connect them to your page, if you want to filter via another dataset, connect it, otherwise just app options of filters

Then go to the dataset you want to filter, go its settings, and choose the filter there. You can set filter based on many different properties.

Bonus tips - You need to set the duplicate home page and other pages that are not in use to no index.

Also your page doesn’t have a H1, H3, andnother headings. They are necess6for the SEO. Set the main heading as H1.

Hope that helps.

If you don’t understand the process, feel free to reach out again. :slight_smile:

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