Feature Release: Allowing Customers to Pre-Order Products

Set up your clients eCommerce business for success with our latest release.

This feature will allow your clients’ customers to pre-order anticipated new products or out-of-stock items to make sure they don’t miss potential sales!

Customers click the Pre-Order button to purchase a product as they would for any other shop item. As soon as it’s in stock, your client can fulfill it.

To learn more about this release, refer to the following links.


I would love to see this come for digital products. Being able to offer this for book pre sales would benefit quite a few wide authors I know use the platform. It would also help in bringing clients over from other platforms that don’t offer it.


totally agree, although we know that the type of integration can generate more work, it would be good to simply expand the idea

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As far as I can see there is no option for pre-order on digital products, but there is for physical products. This seems really weird to me. Is there a config somewhere that I’m missing? Or is this issue still outstanding 2 years later?