In light of the enormous amount of malfunctioning of the CODE for the NEW VERSION OF THE Booking App, and in functions of this app (Wix Calendar access, Google calendar sync) I KINDLY REQUEST TO THE BOOKING PRODUCT DEVELOPERS TO PLEASE REVERT THE CALENDAR SYNC TO THE PRIOR PROCESS, that is video-casted and uploaded at
Please view the following faults in the Booking App new version, which I have evidenced with screen-casts at :
1. the location for the booked service in the email confirmation and on the booking confirmation page is wrong : it shown as 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington: this is the White House, not my location. (My locations are all “on zoom”, with small variations on the second part of the zoom descriptions: I have one Zoom location for each set of hours, because for different appointments the same contractors want to make available different hours, so to allow this I set multiple Zoom locations, and I can assign different available hours to each one)
2. the client does not receive the email confirmation after checks out a service, and when they add the service to their calendar, from the confirmation page, the log does not include the zoom streaming details as in the contractors calendar log (in my test that I screen-casted I used the email for taking the role of the client in the booking process and test the functioning; I used the email for taking the role of the contractor in the booking process and test it; finally, my business owner email in the test is This should make it easier to follow my screen-cast test)
3. My new member of staff are suspicious about and haven’t accepted the “Wix invite to collaborate on a website” that is now a pre-requirement to invite them to sync their Google Calendar (while with the prior procedure 18 mo staff synched). This is due to the enormous confusion they faced because when logging into their new Wix account they’ve got all your Wix prompts to create a WebSite, therefore they think I’m scamming them into collaborating into building a website, or thing that I work in Sales/marketing at Wix and I try to force them to build websites. Therefore, not accepting the invite to collaborate, my Site, called Evolution Wellness, does not show on the Wix account of the new members of staff who need to view their calendars, and I cannot send them invites to sync calendars.
#ADI editor #B ooking #App product #Faulty #Errors #NewProcess #Revert
#featurerequest #produc ts #upda te #impr o ve #feedb a ck #f aultynewversion