The majority of my clients are mental health therapists. My business model is to be a contributor to their websites once I’ve finished them, and I don’t even have the Wix login info for many of the older clients, but I’m still getting copies of their contact form messages in my account. This is probably a HIPAA violation for them, and an annoyance for me. I’d like the option to toggle off that message storage /access in my account, while having the option to keep some access for the very newest clients. Surely I’m not the only one who shouldn’t have access to the messages from clients of website clients. Can we make that possible? Thanks!
Oops, headline is misleading – I meant not emails but contact form messages.
This is a great #featurerequest for account settings!
I agree. It seems that we’ve discussed this problem before but no action has been taken. Let’s make it happen!
Annoyance is a great adjective for this feature.
There is a function to do this. Just go to the Inbox Settings for the client that you wish to not receive their notifications. Go to Dashboard>Inbox Settings> Notifications and then click on the button to disable notificiations. Then you won’t get their emails anymore.
There is a function to do this. Just go to the Inbox Settings for the client that you wish to not receive their notifications. Go to Dashboard>Inbox Settings> Notifications and then click on the button to disable notificiations. Then you won’t get their emails anymore.
Jen: I just took a look and it is nice to know this can be done on an individual site basis. Thank you. I still think it would be great to be able to do this in one place, via the notifications widget. For people who have many websites, this would be a big time saver.
@_dena I hear you. I try to remember to do it as I do new sites. It’s super irritating. It should be a default as “No” for add-on Contributors and then turned on for people that need it. I can’t imagine that adding on contributors is used for that much beyond that design/technical uses and therefore inbox settings are not needed (versus domain access IS needed but that’s a whole other issue! Most of my customers want that service all the time!)
Anyways, hopefully WIX will figure out that notifications from a gazillion different sites is totally unnecessary. The default should definitely be off and elected to be on then you aren’t hustling to shut off so many sites, especially when private information is at stake. ; )