Fixed static image and scrolling text

Is there a way to make 2 columns with a picture at a fixed height on one side and scrolling text in the other column?

Studio Editor

What are you trying to achieve:
I want the the image not to not move until all text in that container has scrolled on in that section.

What have you already tried:
I’ve checked forums, you tube etc and haven’t found anything.

Sticky scroll is a pretty common effect on Wix Studio, hoards of tutorials out there on this:

Thanks for responding. I have been reviewing sticky scroll videos and still haven’t found exactly what I am trying to do.

The one that I provided, does that help?

Else you can go through the numerous Wix Studio templates and clone a template that has the effect similar to what you’re trying to achieve and which will help you understand how each element is set up.

Additionally, this Edior X (now Wix Studio) tutorial should also help with that: