Freeze or Crashing Editor

Anyone else having unexpected Freezing or crashing of their editors? There doesn’t appear to be any pattern to this. Very frustrating. How can we go about vetting this issue?

Sometimes upon load, other times after 10 minutes of minor editing the page just goes unresponsive. I’ve tried basic fixes, restarting, incognito mode, etc.


Do you use Safari or Chrome? I just discovered that it can be quite CPU intensive so check your CPU and see if you can close other software maybe.

Chrome. I closed all applications and it appears to help a little, but still occasionally crashes. I’ve run it with tons of other apps open all the time. It’s something new. Hopefully it will fix itself, but am open to other suggestions.


I suggest you contact Wix Support , as they can help you best.

I have had the same issues with the editor on Firefox, Chrome and Safari. I think it’s a global Wix Editor bug, regardless of browser. I’ve noticed particularly it happens when I attempt to change the size of a text field (through a click drag, not parameter input) while the text field is in ‘edit’ mode. I can notice immediately when it happens now because the ‘drag’ handle on items will disappear or will be disabled. This also causes several other glitches all around editor, especially extra ‘lag’ when dragging, dropping, selecting, etc.

This used to happen a lot more frequent but it still happens enough to be very irritating. I usually have to refresh the editor itself, sometimes even several times, or I have to end up restarting my browser all together. This has been happening for over a year, that I’ve noticed.

There was a recent post made about the same issue I had commented on as well. This has been ongoing for a looooong time. Wix all together uses insane amount of processing power. This is why this forum constantly lags (takes forever to load), the editor freezes on simple drags, and live sites take over 4.5 seconds (or more) to load, with over 20mb on load! To the comparable 2-6mb standard, this is astronomically high. All Wix sites are data hogs and have this connectivity issue for a long time now with no fix. Everytime I hit a live Wix site, theres a white screen. Usually for several seconds before anything on the page even begins to load. No matter how much code optimization, I just can’t ever seem to get Wix sites to load like other highly functional and speedy sites.

It’s a year after last comment and I’m having the same problem … but I need to set up about 50 pages of text/info … should I switch to another web editor? Has there been any progress in a year?

Yesterday, I had the same problem. Anyone found a solution for this?

It is now Dec 3 and the problem still there nobody from wix, seam to care the , I have been working on my site for over 2 week and it is not even done yet , anybody hello WIX???

I have google , chrome , nothing work !

Pierre, could you send a link to your site? are you still experiencing the issue?