Hello Wix Experts :
First of all , my knowledge about java script coding and publishing in the web site is so poor , I created a website by using wix templates , and published it few days ago , this web site contains several database collections with different categories , which is collecting data by form input from website members ,
I am facing two major issues to operate this website smoothly .
The first issue is ( displaying database counter for different categories in individual text box , to give the website visitors indication about how many profiles in each category )
in details i will give example to one of the database collection with related sub categories My database name is ( Engineering ) and the column name which i want to count is ( Sub-Category ) under this column i have different types of engineering , for example ( Electrical Engineering , Mechanical Engineering , … )
Now my request is to help me and provide a code that i will copy and past to get the result of this counter in a text box which will just show how many profiles in the page , for the above example and i will change the database name and sub-category name along with the text box reference . and please advice what i have to do to display counter of all sub categories in the main page ?
The second issue is to receive a notification every time there is new submission in my database , i did the user input form by using wix user input elements , and i didn’t find setting option to get such notification after form submission .
Sorry for this long story , but i tried to make my issue clear , as possible .
Thank you in advance
This is screen shoot from my page , i want to add the counter under each one .