Row Counter for Database to see the amount of Rows on a website as a Counter

So actually what Im trying to do is creating a counter, which will show the number of the Rows of a Database. (On my Website a kind of counter for messages from people)

So the ID of the Database is like you can see the jobapplication07 and I already imported the wix data.
But everytime the textbox(#text12) just still show 0 even if there are already 24 Rows. I hope someone can help me out with that :wink:

Your first MISTAKE is the ----> # <------




import wixData from 'wix-data';

$w.onReady(()=> {
	.then((res)=>{let items = res.items;
		if (items.length>0) {console.log("Some items found!!!");
			console.log("First-Item: ", items[0]);
			console.log("First-Item-Title: ", items[0].title);
			$w('#text12').text = items.length;
		else {console.log("No items found!!!");}

Getting this message now
(The text box ID is changed aswell so dont mind that)

Nevermind I fixed it. Just changed the items length variable to a string. Thanks for your help Velo Ninja!!! Appreciate it bro :wink:

No problem๐Ÿ˜‰